Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Wii U Pro Controller

What are your thoughts on the Wii U Pro Controller? Xbox ripoff? Is Nintendo losing their controller innovation?

I honestly think the Wii U controller is a significant copy of Xbox, however I believe one of the thumb sticks are in the wrong place.

How are games going to be played on that? Maybe their games will be mostly thumb stick controlled, it's a possibility.

This is the least original controller design by Nintendo I have ever seen! I remember when Nintendo was never one to follow in the footsteps of its competitors in both system design and controller design. Of course I'm talking about the era I grew up with (N64 and above). Their controllers were completely different with each console, it was really fun to see what they would come up with next. This controller however disappoints me.

In terms of console design, not functionality just design, the GameCube will always be number one in my book, it was the most durable of its generation, the smallest, and had the smallest game discs. The only smaller discs I've seen are UMDs.

What do you think?

Comment below........


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  1. In my opinion the design shouldnt always be original, its the usability that counts, the design of the xbox360 controller is by far in my opinion the best controller design, and the ps2 controller comes at a close second. I think it doesnt matter if the design isnt original, what matters is that how user friendly it is.

    1. That's a very good point, and it was in the back of my mind. I don't want to see a controller that is good enough, then that will become the staple controller design. Before you know it there will be less innovative games because, the formula is "good enough", I want to push for new innovations, keep those creative minds working. I really appreciate your comment. Let's get some more people to join in!


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