Monday, January 30, 2012

Where are Video Games Headed?

       Where are our games headed? Some will say into the realm of 3D, others will say motion control. However, i say it is neither to an extent. 

      I believe certain companies will dominate certain categories.

They were the first to try full motion control, they are the innovative ones. There is one problem with being innovative: Knockoffs!

That's not a Wii that you see, they call it the "Magnasonic MIGAME 1000", which is interesting because there are ONLY 29 GAMES AVAILABLE! Also, from what I saw in the reviews, they don't even provide batteries for the controllers! EVERY game console I've purchased (that used batteries for the controllers) they were always included. 

Enough with that rant, like I said before, Nintendo were the ones who try things firs. Now that I think of it, I don't remember ONE Nintendo console that had the same controller design, yes the Gamecube and N64 controllers were similar, but still different. 

       If you want top graphic quality, at the highest definition Sony will always deliver. After all it is the first (and still only) system to include Bluray AND Blutooth technology. (I'm speaking of this generation of course, I favored the original Xbox over the PS2 last generation)

Even though PSN isn't perfect, this is their first go at it. On top of that they have Xbox Live to compete with, an online service with a full GENERATION lead!

 They are and they aren't followers. When a new Idea comes out they steal it, but they stry off the path just a little bit so it isn't an exact copy. The Kinect however, isn't really a follow type product, it's more of an Improvement product. Combining the idea of using the Eyetoy with the Move and the Motion control of the Wii. However, I believe the controller is here to stay.

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