Monday, June 4, 2012

Downloadable only games: A Scare Tactic

The Reason

If you follow gaming as close as I have, by now you have heard that the next gen consoles may not have disc drives. The reason behind this is to prevent piracy of games. Is it really going to stop piracy?


Piracy will always exist, it will always happen. Remember Megaupload? Yeah, they shut it down. How many other free file sharing sites are there out there? Piracy can never be stopped, you know someone is going to find a way to pirate games with downloads only. Even right now, there is gamesharing.

Gamesharing is very convenient and a money saver if you use it what it's supposed to be used for. However how many people actually do that? If you go on Bing, you will find so many people offering to gameshare for something in return. See what I'm getting at? It can't be stopped, unless games stop being made all together, and we all know that isn't going to happen.

Why is it a "Scare Tactic"

If games were going to be download only, there would be no midnight launches of upcoming games. They could easily do that right now, yet they continue to make games. Sure, it'll look cheaper on the store, until you find out you have to pay for an online pass. That is where they are going to get you for money, they will be able to create games cheaper but charge the same price. In the end of all this nonsense, if Download only really is going to happen, they would've stopped making game discs by now. Like I said before, you can't replace physical merchandise.

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