Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Will Wonderbook:Book of Spells ignite controversy?

I just watched Sony's E3 Press conference yesterday and saw a very interesting game. It was a game where you have an interactive book, Sony called it, "Interactive Storytelling". It's a total Harry Potter fan's dream, you can cast actual spells with your Playstation Move controller, read the book using the Eyetoy, and learn everything about Harry Potter's Universe.

I was talking to my mom about this and she said something interesting, "The christian's are going to love that." Then I responded, "Why?" She then said, "It's too much like practicing witchcraft."

Now before I get tons of comments saying things like, "Are you retarded? No, it's not!" or "I deal with witchcraft and this is nothing like it." I know it's not even close to witchcraft at all. However, there are a ton of christians out there that would agree with my mom.

I'm really curious to see if it will sell that well, it really showcases what the move can do in terms of fluency and precision, but is that enough to win the christians over? Only time will tell......


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