Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Nintendo: Wii U

I just read a blog post on (Article) and they were talking about how the Wii U might keep up with the PS3's and Xbox 360's Hardware power.

As I was further reading I saw that the president of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, mentioned

"...significant costs are being devoted to the Wii U’s GamePad controller, and to devote as much time and money to Wii U’s processing power would have resulted in an extremely pricey system." 

Then he said, "“In other words, we think that the way that the various console manufacturers are allocating their budgets to the hardware is different from the way that we allocate our budget to the hardware. Ultimately, we’re looking to maintain a price point for the Wii U that is reasonable in comparison to the value to be offered.” (Quote & Article)

Is Nintendo going to go the cheap route or are they going to go back to the roots of the N64 and NES? 

I would love to see that durability comeback. I still play my N64 to this day and it works PERFECTLY! Why are modern systems overheating, breaking down, or just randomly dying? The older consoles still work to this day!

Why change a formula that works?

I know that there are more fragile and delicate parts involved now, but still there's got to be a way to bring that reliability back. 

This is the first time I actually involved quotes, I couldn't think of a better way to say it. I'm going to go contact the author of that article right now to see if it is ok to use. 

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