What the heck is 4.5D? What will it use? Will it reinvent gaming? Will it catch on? Will it destroy Motion Gaming Peripherals? Will it ever be possible? Will I look like an idiot doing it?
That's a lot of questions, there are probably many more (don't hesitate to comment with more questions and pick my brain a bit).
What the heck is 4.5D?
This is the next step. We saw how 3D movies exploded into theaters, We've all been in some sort of simulator or 4D movie, Such as a Rollercoaster simulator in an amusement park, or the It's A Bug Life 4D Movie is Disneyland. Imagine actually moving around, using your world as a giant videogame. Obviously, free movement only applies to certain games, I think it will mostly be used for shooters like COD or Battlefield. I'm sure the game industry will find out how to work around these obstacles to make everything 4.5D. For example: An ATV racing game can be a bit expensive but worth the experience. Have you ever wanted to race ATVs or Dirtbikes, but didn't have the money to haul it around and pay for entry fees? This will take the track that you use everyday, just drive around it once so the "system" can "memorize" the track for the AI. Then you pick the start/finish line, how many laps, and other options.
What will it use?
If everything goes well, I think it'll be able to be used with the Google Glasses, maybe a custom peripheral. If it uses Google Glasses you wouldn't have to worry about WiFi, because what I've seen from the trailer is that it uses a 3G or 4G signal. Eventually, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo will make their own type of "Google Glasses", maybe even have their own version at the launch.
Will it reinvent gaming?
I strongly believe that it will. Have you ever played a game and thought, "I can jump over that" or "I totally killed him"? I know I have so many times. I would love to be able to actually do things that weren't programmed into the game, such as picking up a rock and bashing someone in the head or my own kung fu type moves. Fighting games will be significantly different. Truly using your environment to your advantage is my kind of game. Imagine if you were against an AI opponent in Tekken and you wanted to use a hammer, find a hammer in the physical world, pick it up, the game will automatically render it and its properties, then take a few swings. Most of these games will be rated M but, Mature games are always more fun. For the kids, there could be a Wildlife game, Kind of like Kinectimals, the only difference is the animals are running around you, nuzzling your leg. Parents would love it because, there is no mess to deal with, no allergies, and no responsibility. You want a pet Tiger? Go ahead and get it.
Will it catch on?
It will take a good chunk of time for people to get used to it, but Yes I do believe it will catch on. I think it'll do extremely well with kids in school. There will be mini games, pre installed, that allow you to harmlessly mess with the classroom environment differently. Imagine if you could redesign your classroom with YOUR artwork, just take pictures of items around your room to scan, or buy them from the installed store.
Will it ever be possible?
With how fast technology is evolving, and the fact that most of the stuff in Bill Gates' House isn't even available to the public yet, I think it will be possible, but it won't be for a VERY long time.
Will I look like an Idiot doing it?
I guess it really depends on what game and where you are. If you play a fighting game in the middle of a busy park, then yeah you will look like an idiot. But, if you are doing a game where you get points for how many steps you take, and you get to spend those points towards rewards. It will look more natural to onlookers.
Will it look dorky?
No, it will be mostly hidden, or it will be like stylish sunglasses hooked to a backpack.
What will it use for power?
It will be solar powered with a backup battery, or it will take D-batteries as a backup and a primary rechargeable battery.
Be sure to leave your feedback, additional questions, ETC. in the comments.
(Please keep in mind this content is all from me, with no research done at all. This content is 100% original.)
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