Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Video Games are HEALTHIER than watching TV!


How many times have you sat down to watch a movie or TV show and suddenly got all of these cravings for chips, soda, popcorn, candy all within 10 minutes of watching? I can say that I'm guilty, it's just so much easier to sit back and chow down. 

The Gaming Difference

Gaming on the other hand is a little different. Sure those cravings will come up every now and then, but what's the difference? 


That's the difference, you are constantly gliding your fingers over the face buttons, twirling those thumbsticks, and mashing those triggers/shoulder buttons. Your eyes are constantly scanning the screen, looking out for any danger that may present itself at any moment in time. Your mind is actively analyzing the situations, planning for the next move, deciding which weapon to use, which path to take, which character to sacrifice, etc. 


However, with TV you are sitting there, watching the images be projected. There are very little things that go on with your mind while sitting there, I can only think of 2. Which show/movie to watch next and what to record.  Sure, your mind may wander into things you have to do in your life, but for the most part you are sucked into that realm doing nothing. At least with gaming there's more activity.

Where's the Proof?

As far as I know there is very little or no proof. It'd be interesting to see a study for the results though. 

What results will you be expecting?

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