Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How long does Mountain Lion take to download?

I've searched for this question for a VERY long time with no results.

So here is the answer, for me it took about 2 Hours.

If you want internet specs and/or computer specs for what I used let me know.

Also, if you haven't started the download.

Mountain Lion is $10 cheaper than Lion was, with over 200 new features.

Including a Siri-Like text to speech system named "Dictation"

It learns and adapts to your voice/accent the more you use it.

UPDATE: I just got it installed which took about 40 Minutes or a little less, minus the reboot time.



  1. Hey Colby, I would be interested to know what your internet speed was for downloading Mountain Lion, it is a bit frustrating not to know how long it is going to take!

    1. I was also running a lot of things in the background too, such as photoshop, textwrangler, and a ton of safari windows, that may have slowed it down a little bit. What I love is you can pretty much do anything while it's downloading, the only part you don't have your computer to use is the installing which only takes about 30-40 minutes (I'm not positive)

  2. Ping: 17 MS

    Download Speed: 2.527 MB/S

    Upload Speed: 0.648 MB/S

    Using Comcast Cable

    If you would like anything more specific, let me know and I will try and find it lol

  3. Thanks man! Mine is a little faster and has been running to about an hour. Hopefully I am close.

    1. Of course :D Feel free to follow this blog or join the twitter/facebook realm of things. I pretty much do sporadic posts, because we all know inspiration strikes at the most random times. Have fun with it :D I can't wait to use Dictation to write new posts, there's so much that goes on in my mind that I'm too lazy to type up lol, such as the Where are video games headed" post for example, I'm going to completely revamp that post to get what I really want out there.


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