Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The Second Trailer Has Been Released!

There has been a TON of news all over the web about GTA V. Just like for the first time ever you have 3 playable characters, which are interchangeable during a mission in order to get 3 different perspectives of what is happening. I'm sure that will add a lot of replayability. 

The Economy system is said to be a lot more useful, it's not going to be like GTA IV where after you beat it, money is pretty much useless. You won't be able to buy real estate, so I hope this system delivers. 

The map will be bigger then Red Dead Redemption, GTA IV, and GTA San Andreas COMBINED! THAT"S HUGE! I just hope it doesn't have a lot of bland areas and hopefully there's a fast travel system so you don't have to drive, fly, or boat from one end of the map for every mission.

I have to be honest, this trailer made me take a DOUBLE-TAKE! That has never happened to me for a game trailer, I thought it was a live action shot when the couple was fighting, but as I looked closer I could tell it was gameplay. That's the closest I've ever seen for indistinguishable!

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Releases November 20th

Will you be picking it up? I know I will, but probably not on day one. It's not that kind of game for me, I figure it'll keep me entertained for a few weeks, start gathering dust, then occassionally being popped in for a nice change in my gaming cycle.

Dead Island

I've been playing a lot of lately, I forgot how fun this game is. I love being able to cut off/break limbs, create new weapons, and just have an Open-World, Unlimited Time, Zombie playground. The trucks are pretty much useless, with terrible handling and physics. But, that's not where the game is, it's focused on the zombies and the damage dealt to them. When you see a giant zombie walking towards you, with no arms, trying to bite you, there's nothing you can do but laugh. Even funnier, is when their arms are broken and they just flail them about with no control. In case you haven't played it yet. It's an RPG-type game but not at the same time. You can Upgrade stats, upgrade weapons, gain experience, have a ton of slots to carry items, yet it feels like an action game. 

Kind of imagine an FPS, only with Melee weapons and VERY few guns. The money is ALWAYS useful, because over time your weapons lose strength and you must repair them to deal all the damage you can. Even though I beat the game (Theoritically) I still find myself scouring weapons to sell, and searching for money or spare parts. Because I don't have enough to repair my weapon or create ammo. 

The reason why I theoritically beat it is, once you have the option of going to the prison, you can't come back. I went to the prison with my first character and got bored with the game pretty fast, that is until I restarted, now I just have fun ruining Zombie's second chances at life.

It's definitely worth a pick up, it should be pretty cheap since it's been out for awhile as well.

Buy Dead Island on Xbox 360PS3, or PC


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