Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Video Game Marketing

I'm cutting it close this week!

So, here it is 10 AM on a wednesday, no post in mind whatsoever. This week flew by, but as I was writing a post for another blog I post to I started thinking about the Marketing of games.

Some games I've played were INCREDIBLE but there wasn't much marketing, so not a lot of people knew about it. Just Cause 2 is a great example of this, It's like GTA in a way but with the missing gameplay elements fixed. 

GTA 4 failed to include planes, and only had about 3 or 4 different helicopters, however Just Cause 2 has about 4 or 5 different planes, not as many car variations, 4 different helicopters, and what I think is the best of all: Dual Hook Grappling Hook and The 24/7 Parachute. 

The rag doll physics aren't anywhere near GTA 4's, The driving isn't even close to realistic, but that's not what this game is about, it's all about fun and destruction, kind of like Saints Row in a way.

Another one is SSX, I personally haven't played it but have played the demo a number of times. I thought it was great with bringing back the series in a new way, however even with following it closely, It was released before I know it, I found out it was released when I went into GameStop to look around. 

Alright, enough of that. Some Marketing techniques I've seen lately are really impressive. You've got GTA 5 with one trailer over a year ago, A fictitious Twitter Account being reactivated, and "Leaks" from RockStar Employees. Hawken has it's own Mini-Series to promote the game, it's like a Live-Action Mech Mini-Movie all for one game. Far Cry 3 has been releasing bits and pieces of the game through different themed videos called "The Island Survival Guide", not to mention being EXTREMELY secretive of the Map Editor.

What Strategies have you seen among different games/companies?


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