Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Video Games are HEALTHIER than watching TV!


How many times have you sat down to watch a movie or TV show and suddenly got all of these cravings for chips, soda, popcorn, candy all within 10 minutes of watching? I can say that I'm guilty, it's just so much easier to sit back and chow down. 

The Gaming Difference

Gaming on the other hand is a little different. Sure those cravings will come up every now and then, but what's the difference? 


That's the difference, you are constantly gliding your fingers over the face buttons, twirling those thumbsticks, and mashing those triggers/shoulder buttons. Your eyes are constantly scanning the screen, looking out for any danger that may present itself at any moment in time. Your mind is actively analyzing the situations, planning for the next move, deciding which weapon to use, which path to take, which character to sacrifice, etc. 


However, with TV you are sitting there, watching the images be projected. There are very little things that go on with your mind while sitting there, I can only think of 2. Which show/movie to watch next and what to record.  Sure, your mind may wander into things you have to do in your life, but for the most part you are sucked into that realm doing nothing. At least with gaming there's more activity.

Where's the Proof?

As far as I know there is very little or no proof. It'd be interesting to see a study for the results though. 

What results will you be expecting?

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Why I converted from COD to BF3

Level Playing Field (to an extent)

      When I was playing Black Ops and MW2 (can't speak for any of the others) I noticed there were a TON of people that would either camp or appeared to have a mod such as Dropshot or many others. I'm not saying that BF3 doesn't have any campers, but I have noticed campers don't survive as long as in the CODs I've played. I've noticed BF3 campers often get flanked by the opposing team rather quickly.
Virtually NO mics, but WAY more organization

      Even though there are far less people with Mics on BF3, every team seems a lot more organized, friendly, and strategic. Occasionally you'll run into a terrible team, or an overpowering one. That doesn't ever mean you will never get at least one kill though. Through my COD rounds, I never had a chance, I think it's because of all the campers on EVERY single map. I'm very big against campers (unless you have  a sniper), it just ruins the game.

Just more fun!

I don't play the big rounds that much at all, I mostly play Gunmaster but the big rounds provide a nice break for when the game starts to get boring. There are players who are way advanced, or have bought the instant kit unlocks, but it's just so much more fun. I've found that BF3 isn't extremely heavy on being the best player, it feels like what COD was intended to be. Each class has a role, from healing to ammo supply to vehicle repair. COD does have Killstreaks, which sounds cool when you hear about the possibilities. What happens when someone camps and repeatedly gets Chopper Gunners, Care Packages, and tons of others. I mean sure they have to die to reset the killstreak count, but how many kills will he get with those streaks compared to how many times he dies? It just doesn't add up nor does it keep me coming back to play again. 

Multiplayer FPS Player

The first war FPS I got was MW2, and I loved it. I managed to get extremely well at sniping on Afghan and a few other levels. Then Black Ops announced Splitscreen online play for the PS3, which turned me toward that purchase. After playing it for awhile I figured I was just doing bad because I didn't know the maps very well or was just rusty. I figured out that wasn't the case, after playing for year I noticed the amount of campers I was getting killed by and the killstreaks that would annhilate me. I never had fun playing that, but kept playing because it was the only one I had. After a long time of debating whether to download BF3 or not (I was worried about not being able to find any games) I finally downloaded it. That was one of the best purchases I've ever made. I wasn't completely annihilated, but I wasn't the best either. It just felt balanced, it felt right. Now, I'm never going back to another COD again, I'm completely satisfied with no killstreaks and the level designs. Not to mention the lack of reflection on the Acog scopes, that threw me off way to much in black ops. Knifing is alot more satisfying to perform also, and the destructible environments are a HUGE plus. 


I'm not trying to start a big giant war, or saying that you're wrong if you like COD more. I'm just giving my opinion and insight. As always feel free to comment if you feel so inclined to.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Are you ready for a new console?

I'm sure not! 

It just doesn't feel time to even think about new consoles yet. I love my PS3, 360, and Wii, I mean sure there will probably be better visuals, more functions, and more innovation. However, if you take a closer look, games that are currently being released are looking better all the time. 

So why get excited for a new system?

If we haven't reached the capacity of the current systems why rush so fast for another one? I think it may be because people get bored with the same system over a period of time, despite the fact that the 360/PS3 haven't reached the graphics capacity yet. I'm not 100% positive on the 360, but I know that's the fact for the PS3. I just didn't want to sound biased toward one system.

One of the cons of having an official system announcement 

With all the GTA V (GTA 5) news overriding the web, if a new system gets announced, what if Rockstar suddenly decided to make the game toward the new system, in order to increase launch sales for the system? I know that's highly unlikely, but if it ever happened what would you do? Would you save money for the new system or would you play on the current system until the new price came down? Speaking of that, there is still talk of annihilating used games.

Used games are what keep gamers coming back 

Sure the publisher doesn't get any money for the sale of the game, but what about all the new copies that the used game companies acquire? What will happen to all the gamers who don't have/have a terrible internet connection? Not to mention the DLC that people are going to download, such as the all the map packs to stay up-to-date, or even the online pass. 

Online passes may not be as bad as you think

Some are worse then others for sure, but most are completely optional. For example; if you buy a shooter and know the online part is mostly dead, why buy the online pass? You can just get DLC additions if you want, or just stick with the game's core elements. 


I miss the days where games weren't focused around an online community, where the community was in a forum or on a website, the days were split-screen was in practically EVERY game, where the back of case said players 1-4, instead of players 1: Online 2-16. I know I don't have the cash to buy 3 additional TVs, 3 additional systems, and 3 additional copies of the game. I also know my friends won't have every game I have. Why are they taking us away from the true social interaction of defeating your friend side-by-side? 

Comment to sign the Split-Screen Petition/ Share your ideas, input, thoughts.

There's probably some stuff I left out, so leave any questions as well.