Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Multiple Perspecitves

Will this be a new step in gaming trends?

I don't know what to say about this, as you may know GTA 5 will give you the ability to play the game from 3 perspectives of three different protaganists. I know there was a game that tried this once, but it didn't turn out so well. What ended up happening was you were redoing some of the same situations just as a diferent character, which become VERY repetitive.

It will be interesting to see how GTA V pulls this off

Will we see more animals in open-world games?

I think Far Cry 3 really opened that possibility up. That's the first time I've seen fully rendered, huntable, interactive, environmentally aware animals in an open world game ever! 

Dogs in GTA V

Yes, there was a dog in the first trailer, but do you believe there will be more varied animals or will Rockstar think it's too risky? I hope they push the envelope a little bit, it would be a very pleasing addition to the GTA universe.

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