Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Will Touch Controls Replace Button Controls?

I'm In The Middle On This One

I love Touch Screen controls, however they can definitely be a hassle. Especially if you're dealing with Analog Sticks, touch analog sticks have never worked for me in the past. I guess I'm just stuck in my controller way of things. I love using triggers instead of having to touch to shoot.

However, touch controls are the future to an extent.I don't think they will completely replace the controller, but prepare for more touch controls VS. button controls. 

I'd be completely fine if every controller just had an LCD screen installed for important stats, like ammo count, or health, or weapon selection. That would also clear up clutter on the HUD in the game.

Just think of GTA IV with an LCD screen in the controller for car stats, or the mini-map. Mission objectives for Halo, Power-Ups accquired in Mario Kart, you get my point. I know the Dreamcast had an screen embedded into the controller, unfortunately I was never able to see it in action.
Would You Like to See Screens Embedded Into Controllers?
Share your ideas in the comments!


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